POCUS Conquers is a concept created by Patrick Bafuma and Breanne Lee and produced with the help of Nicolette LaRosa.
Patrick is a true “Friend of the Society,” practices clinically in emergency medicine in New York, is an outspoken fan of FOAMed, Social Media and POCUS, as well as the creator of EMinFocus. EMinfocus is a sit that works to improve patient outcomes via myth-busting, EBM, and improving throughput.
Breanne Lee, a budding Physician Assistant in New York, is committed to educating PA students within a community setting. Breanne is a fastidious student of ultrasound and has immersed herself in improving her department by playing a vital role in their patient flow improvement plans.
Nicollete represents the other side of the provider spectrum. When she helped shape POCUS Conquers she had just gotten accepted into The Drexel PA Program, and reached out to SPOCUS for mentorship in creating a Student Ultrasound Interest Section for her program. She truly represents our future, and is living proof that enthusiasm is more important than experience when building a POCUS presence in your PA program or practice.
SPOCUS is proud to have Patrick and Nicolette as Society members, and we hope others will be inspired by the motivation and ability to self start.
The purpose of POCUS Conquers is to give SPOCUS members who are presenting a case to formalize a POCUS presence in their practice or academic PA program a reference to quickly download as a pamphlet with some “fun facts about POCUS, in an elevator pitch format.”