This page includes a wide range of resources ranging from machine procurement guidance to policies to POCUS Program Development. We are committed to providing you the tools that allow you to seamlessly integrate POCUS into your clinical practice.
Administrative Resources
Spearheading a POCUS Program
Creating a POCUS presence where there isn’t one already. Some challenges to privileging, along with some possible solutions and literature to support the position.
Reimbursement Statement
General information and knowledge of the billing process which will ensure the financial well-being of all clinicians employing clinical ultrasound.
POCUS Practice Guidelines
These training, education, and proficiency standards serve to foster the expanded use of ultrasound by clinicians and better ensure that ultrasound is utilized safely and effectively.
Machine Procurement
Considerations and recommendations when purchasing ultrasound equipment.
Demonstrating Competency or Certification
Do I need to be ‘certified’ to demonstrate competency? Proving to your credentialing committee that you are competent to perform clinical ultrasound.
Clinical Ultrasound Director
Information about our Director’s Bundle, so you can formalize the POCUS presence into your local practice, and our mentorship program.
DIY US Phantom Recipes and Resources
We share our DIY ultrasound training resources such as the best phantom recipes and a video on long axis needle placement.
Providers who are entering a practice with an established and formalized ultrasound presence may want to focus on sharpening their clinical skills. Providers who are trying to formalize their ultrasound program should pay close attention and reach out to SPOCUS so they can have a mentor assigned to help lead them through the process that has administrative experience.
Administration is not the most exciting topic in clinical ultrasound. However, an administrative frame work is needed to buy the machines and supplies as well as create a functional clinical ultrasound program to insure issues like credentialing, validating proficiency, billing, image retention, infection control, patient call back, and incidental findings are all managed efficiently and with patient safety at the forefront.